Friday, January 16, 2009

Dont be a doctor

In your visit to the hospital, did you ever found a doctor who said and advise you to not be a doctor? (this is one of the question had ask to me during my Manchester interview). My heart pounding. "Just show your true colour" that was my Business teacher advice to me early on...

So, i answer yes.

Then the interviewer ask me why she said like that? i said i dont know because i didnt ask her during my visit to the hospital. "so, what is your opinion the doctor said like that to you?" the interviewer push me to tell him what are the drawbacks when you be a doctor.

I like want to ask to all the reader, is it ethical when you said to some one to not be a doctor if you are a doctor? Is it life of being a doctor is so hectic until you put someone that really want to be a doctor in a confusing?

Come on me out..what should i do..

Come on doctors out more positive..try to say like.."you dont be a doctor if you think you will get so much money and enjoy be the richest man in your hometown" or "dont be a doctor if you do not want to sacrifice your time with the patients at the hospital". dont simply say "dont be a doctor" and full stop. it sound horrible.

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